
Posts Tagged ‘Spotted’

Green Pride


I captured this picture with my iPhone on Sunday, while Jen and I were driving back from a delicious brunch celebrating her friend Rachel’s birthday. I couldn’t help but laugh at the license plate’s double entendre. It reminded me of an episode of South Park a couple seasons back which lampooned the smugness of hybrid drivers. It also got me thinking, though, about when is green pride too much?

It has always seemed like a good idea to try and educate those around you about different choices, especially those that will undoubtedly have less of an impact on the environment, but when does it become overbearing? I have  had my fair share of eco-rants to my parents, friends, and Jen (sorry honey!), but they almost always come in an informative manner. I never purposefully place my own green habits above others to show how much better I am because of them.

What do you think? Should people worry about flaunting their awesomely eco-friendly products and habits or should they feel free to let their green flag fly?

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